Jake Smolarek in business casual outfit sitting on a pavement in front of a house

Jake Smolarek

The Life and Business Coach for Winners As featured in "The Times" Get in Touch

Transformational Coach London

Transformational Coaching in a Nutshell

Did you know that you hold the keys to unlocking your true potential? Whether you're striving for new heights in your personal life or seeking extraordinary career success, I'm here to help you make your vision a reality.

I’m a transformational coach who helps you find YOUR path to fulfilment. When you face obstacles or changing circumstances, my process allows you to alter the route to personal development while keeping your eyes firmly on the big prize—your success!

What does success mean to you? As a life coach, this is the first answer I need from you.

Perhaps it's a certain amount of money in the bank by a certain age.

Maybe it's finally achieving that dream job that has eluded you for so long. Or do you want to overcome your self-doubt and start your own company?

Believe me: I've undergone my fair share of setbacks over the years, but I've always been able to adapt to the situation in front of me to pursue the kind of success that matters to me.

Jake Smolarek - Transformational Coach London - London Top Coach - Jake sitting on stairs

It won't be easy, but with my transformational coaching expertise and insights, you'll be empowered to pursue your dreams.

I'm Jake Smolarek, and I help my clients shatter limitations and create a life of purpose, fulfilment and prosperity.

I offer a dynamic blend of strategies, business acumen and a tailored approach centred around you.

Unlike other coaches, I need to be sure that we're right for each other before committing to taking you on a coaching journey.

That's why I'm inviting you to book an initial discovery meeting—either at my London office or over a Zoom call. It's completely free, and you're under no obligation to proceed, so you have nothing to lose! Simply fill out the contact form below to get started!

Life coaching doesn't get more personal than this!

What Is Transformational Coaching?

In many ways, the answer I choose to give depends on the person asking and the context.

For some, the field is a form of humanistic psychology—changing your behaviours and thought processes to ensure you can fulfil your potential.

For other people, it involves removing limiting beliefs in a person's life to achieve meaningful and permanent internal shifts.

I don't believe in preordained destiny. I believe in the power of positive psychology and its ability to rewrite your personal story.

My job as a transformation coach is to guide clients on the path to their personal version of success...the utopian vision they were put on Earth to achieve.

My coaching style involves getting to know you, your ambitions, the challenges you face, your strengths, and the limiting belief that is preventing you from becoming the best possible version of yourself.

A transformational life coach who prioritises your basic needs can help you in several ways:

  • Address your limiting beliefs to boost your confidence
  • Help you use change as a tool to achieve your career ambitions
  • Leave the past behind and make the future your priority
  • Discover what's REALLY important to you on a transformational level
Jake Smolarek - Transformational Coach in London - Confident Transformational Coach - Jake buttons his Jacket

Transformational Coaching for the Life and Career of Your Dreams

Why do you want a transformational coach?

You've probably already achieved a lot in your life, so why aren't you satisfied?

Perhaps you know that you're capable of more and need the help of a transformational coach to help you take the next step. Or maybe—as much as you've achieved thus far—you still haven't lived your own story.

In my view, transformational coaching is designed to get the very best out of you—so you can shoot for the stars in your own, unique way.

My transformational coaching model is designed to do that by improving your approach and mindset in a number of ways.

Discover Clarity

Dive deep into your values, goals, and dreams for a clear vision of your desired future. My techniques always begin by painting a picture of your personal utopia. What's your ultimate goal in life?

As your dedicated transformational coach, I'll work with you to define your vision—even if you have no idea what it is yet.

Develop Winning Strategies

Develop a roadmap that perfectly aligns with your unique goals, strengths, and circumstances.

My version of life coaching involves developing the strategies that work for YOU—and not my previous clients! This takes time, but it's worth the investment.

Depending on your challenges, strengths, and weaknesses, we'll devise a transformative coaching approach that's tailored to your personality and abilities.

Unlock Your Potential

Break free from limiting thoughts and behaviours that hold you back, opening up exciting new possibilities. Believe me: I understand what it's like to doubt your abilities or determination to succeed.

When you've lived with self-doubt for so long, it's often hard to embark on deep-level self-exploration exercises. But sustainable change is a crucial part of unlocking your potential.

Transformational coaching is, in part, the process of awakening your dormant potential in the pursuit of your dreams.

Jake Smolarek - Transformational Coach in London - Jake is sitting on the sofa holding a book

Accelerate Your Growth

I'll be your guide and accountability partner, ensuring you steadily advance towards a fulfilling personal and professional life.

I'm predominantly a life coach, but I'm also a business and confidence coach. Once you know what you're truly capable of, you'll find that your personal transformation gathers pace exponentially.

My transformational coaching model is designed to keep you moving forward. And if you ever take your foot off the gas, I'll be here to give you a metaphorical kick up the a**.

Manage Life Changes

Whether facing a new career opportunity or personal transition, I'll provide support to make confident decisions and thrive.

The best transformation coaches don't fixate on the professional aspects of life—they take a holistic approach to life coaching that encompasses everything from your family life to how you spend your precious leisure time.

These are but a few of the ways I help you in your transformation to greatness. Overcoming the roadblocks in your life is just one of the steps needed to reach your transformational goals.

Think about your future

Book your initial consultation session! It's free!

How to Find Suitable Transformational Coaches in the UK

OK, I get it—I might be the third or fourth transformation coach you've read about today, and we're all saying the same thing: "You can achieve your ambitions and fulfil your potential with my help!"

Of course, this is just an empty promise unless the life coaches back up their claims with tangible evidence and a proven track record of success.

The coaching world is filled with charlatans and unscrupulous individuals who won't take the time to get to know you. That's why I offer a free, two-hour discovery meeting with all new clients.

Sometimes, I'm just not the right fit for prospective clients. Other times, they're not the right fit for me. I'll make you this promise now: I won't agree to provide transformational coaching services if I don't believe they can help you.

Before you choose the ideal person to take you on the journey of personal growth, ask yourself a few questions:

  • Is this coaching business upfront about the methodologies it uses?
  • Is this a coaching practice with authentic reviews and testimonials?
  • Does coaching clients feel like the person's true passion in life?
  • Can I be sure the coaching is focused on individual needs rather than formulaic processes?
  • Do the transformational coaches guarantee results (always a red flag)?

Any form of life coaching should always adapt to you—and not the other way around.

If you're prepared to listen, act on my advice, and refrain from falling back on excuses, I think my approach to transformational coaching could be just what you're looking for. Call me today on 07738514600 to find out

Learn More About My Transformational Coaching Model

If you're looking for a life and business coach in London, you're spoilt for choice when it comes to selecting a partner for your journey to success.

But if you want help from a transformational coach who will never hide behind platitudes and tell you exactly what you need to hear—even if it's uncomfortable—you've come to the right place.

Vision GPS

Over the years, I've experienced successes and setbacks—just like most high-achievers in life. As hard as some of these failures were, they made me who I am today. They lit a fire in my belly that is still burning today.

"Failure isn't fatal, but failure to change might be."—John Wooden

This quote encapsulates my approach to transformational coaching. Over the years, I've helped countless people embrace change as a force for fulfilment. While other life coaches focus on one-size-fits-all systems, I adapt my approach based on the principles of my Vision GPS transformational coaching model.

Jake Smolarek - Transformational Coach London - Jake is sitting on the chair


Don't be coy. Nothing you can imagine for your life will shock or surprise me. I don't care if you want to walk on the moon or become the Prime Minister, all I expect from you is honesty.

What will get you out of bed at 5am every morning? What version of your life gets you foaming at the mouth with excitement? At the risk of using a cliche, my brand of transformational coaching begins with a dream.

If you've ever seen the movie Field of Dreams, you'll understand the concept. "If you build it, they will come." If you create your vision, you've laid the foundations for achieving it. It's a concept that has inspired a hundred Hollywood movies and a thousand hit pop songs.

Bruce Springsteen once sang: "You can't start a fire without a spark." Your vision is the spark that will light the fire in your belly. That's why this stage of my transformational coaching model is crucial.

G – Goals

So, you want to become a tech billionaire with a thriving business in Silicon Valley? That's a great ambition to have, but if you're a small business owner in London grappling with change, you're probably a long way from making your dream come true.

Vincent Van Gogh once said: "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."

In relation to my transformational coaching process, these small things are the goals we set together. Every time you achieve a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual goal, you'll be one step closer to achieving your dream.

P – Planning

Successful life coaching isn't just about creating visions and achieving goals—it's also about creating detailed and realistic strategies to get you to your final destination in life. Leverage my successes, proven strategies, and historical missteps to create a plan (or roadmap) for your journey to success.

Fail to plan, and you plan to fail. Yes, that's an overused saying these days, but that's only because it's absolutely true. My approach to life coaching puts planning front and centre—so be prepared to think strategically and think ahead!

S - Systems

What good is a coaching session without the tools and systems needed to put your plans into action? As a time management coach in London, I'll help you prioritise your goals and tasks to ensure you make the best possible use of the time you have.

Remember: you don't have to work longer hours and sacrifice your personal relationships to succeed; you just need to get your house in order!

Time management is just one of the systems I work on during my transformational coaching programs. In my coaching experience, the systems we develop should be based on your specific needs.

How do you prioritise tasks? How do you monitor your progress? How do you develop new and influential relationships? These questions can all be answered with the development of robust systems.

Want to Learn More About Vision GPS?

My name is Jake Smolarek, and I'm the life coach who will drive you relentlessly on the road to success and fulfilment. If I've piqued your interest with talk of my Vision GPS transformational coaching model, I'm guessing you want to know more.

Book your initial consultation sessionIt's free, and there's absolutely no obligation to proceed with my transformational coaching services if you don't like what you hear.

My Approach to Transformational Life Coaching in London

I understand the challenges of juggling personal and professional aspirations. There's so much to do, yet there aren't enough hours in the day.

You're determined to fulfil your ambitions in life, but you don't want to alienate or neglect the people closest to you. After all, what's the point of having it all if you don't have anyone to share it with?

When you choose my transformational coaching sessions in London, you're guaranteed a tailored approach to personal development—one based on a deeper understanding of what makes you tick than is being offered by other transformational coaches in the UK.

Jake Smolarek - Transformational Coach from London - Jake is giving a speech at school about Transformational Coaching

I'll create a bespoke transformational coaching journey that prioritises your needs, challenges, and goals. Once I've identified exactly what you need from me, your personalised program will involve one or more of the following methods and processes:

Expert Guidance

I draw on extensive coaching and business experience to offer practical and inspiring solutions.

I've walked in your shoes many times—and enjoyed a series of successes in business and at home. That's why I'm the perfect transformational coach for successful people who just need that stern nudge in the right direction.

Actionable Insights

Gain clarity and focus for immediate results. Personal growth requires cold objectivity, yet many of my clients can't see the wood for the trees when it comes to self-discovery.

As your transformational coach, I'll assess your abilities and traits before giving you actionable insights that will deliver long-term, sustainable results.

Tailored Strategies

I work with you to design a blueprint for success specifically tailored to your individual needs. I'm the kind of transformation coach who believes that nothing should be left to chance when you're on the path to fulfilment.

What worked for my last client won't work for you.

Conditional Support

I'm with you every step of the journey, offering encouragement and holding you accountable to your desired outcomes.

Don't get me wrong, however; I'll be on your back from day one. I simply won't stand for procrastination, B.S., or excuses. I'm the transformation coach you need—not the one you necessarily want!

Motivational Interviewing

There's a reasonable chance that your current actions are out of line with your overall vision. In other words, for whatever reason, you're not doing the things you need to if you're ever going to fulfil your potential in life.

Motivational interviewing is a part of my transformational coaching approach because it gets up close and personal with the concept of change.

Change is something many people fear, and as a result, they avoid it—even if they don't admit it.

I'll discuss these issues at length with you. You might be uncomfortable, but that's part of the process.

In fact, in many cases, pushing people out of their comfort zone is one of the most effective transformational coaching techniques.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

My brand of transformational coaching often involves working with clients to change the way they perceive themselves.

We are all hindered by how we think others perceive us, which can hold us back from achieving our goals and fulfilling our potential.

I can almost guarantee that you're far more capable than you realise. All you need to realise this is the positive input and transformation coaching only an experienced and certified life coach can deliver.

Cognitive Behavioral Exercises

Cognitive behavioural therapy is all about changing your perception of events and scenarios that make you hesitant, anxious, or fearful.

By changing the way you think about these situations, transformational coaching experts can help you overcome the obstacles that have been holding you back from fulfilling your potential.

Let's get serious

Book your free initial consultation session!

Why Choose My Transformative Approach?

Becoming a transformational coach gave me an immense sense of satisfaction.

And I'm not afraid to say it: I was always proud at the prospect of people turning to me for help with their own lives. It showed me that all my hard work, persistence, and success stories were inspiring others to fulfil their potential in life.

This is where the embarrassing self-promotion begins! I'm a successful transformational life coaching expert because I've lived a life.

Yes, I haven't always made the right decisions, but I've always given everything in the pursuit of a better life.

Over the years, I've developed coping mechanisms, success strategies, motivational tools, and personal goals that I now use to help others.

If you want proof of how my approach to transformational coaching could transform your life, here's a little about my particular learning journey.

I Have Succeeded Against the Odds

My transformational approach to life has helped me accomplish great things. Take my non-profit organisation, for example. When I started it, the number of volunteers giving their time totalled two—me and my partner.

By embracing change at a deeper level, making self-awareness my friend, and continuing to seek new perspectives from the people around me, I was able to grow the organisation to a team of more than 600 volunteers. This is proof that when you embrace the principles taught by transformational coaching counsellors, others can also share in your successes.

Jake Smolarek - Transformational Coach from London - Jake is looking at the camera holding a book, Sell or Be Sold

An Experienced Entrepreneur

I don't just talk the talk. I've been an entrepreneur since my teenage years. And without giving my age away, that's more than 20 years of achievement, toil, and change. My approach to transformational coaching works because it was forged in the real world.

I'm an Accomplished Marketer

I know how to engage, inspire, and persuade people. I run a successful digital marketing business that specialises in raising the awareness of brands across the world. Whether you know it or not, you're a brand in your own right, and it's my job to develop that brand for long-term success.

I Don't Deal in Bu****it!

I want you to have the self-confidence to call out bu****it wherever it rears its ugly head. It wastes time, affects focus, and breeds a culture of dishonesty. That's why I hate it—and I'll never use it when coaching client behaviours.

I'm Selective

I'm not in the coaching business to relieve people of their money without giving my all. Put simply, my conscience wouldn't allow it.

My coaching style involves getting into the finer details of what makes you tick—both as a person in search of a transformational experience, and a business mind in need of increased self-confidence and self-awareness.

I turn away many potential clients every year. Why? Because I simply don't have the time they deserve. Giving my all to each and every person who walks through my door is one of my most cherished core beliefs.

Transformational life coaching requires my complete and undivided attention, which is why I'm highly selective about the people I welcome into my coaching business.

If I'm in a position to help you, I'll do so with passion and commitment. If I know I can't drive you forward with my form of coaching, I'll tell you from the outset.


Are You Ready to Take Control of Your Personal Development?

If you're ready to take charge of your future, I'm here to empower you on this transformational journey. Investing in yourself through coaching is a powerful act of self-commitment.

I love coaching clients to success. Why? I'm selfish that way! It makes me feel good! Your successes become my successes, so we grow and progress together.

My proven coaching methods will elevate your thinking and drive you towards long-term success and happiness in all facets of your life.

All you need to do is reach out for that all-important initial discovery meeting. Get in touch today via my website or call +44 (0) 77 385 146 00, and embrace the help of an experienced transformational life and career coach in London.

Contact Me
& Book Your Free Consultation Session


2A Prebend Street
Islington, London N1 8PT

Phone Number

Mobile: +44 (0) 77 385 146 00

Landline: +44 (0) 208 567 38 77

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